Thursday, May 30, 2019

Food sharing (a story with pictures)

Food sharing (a story with pictures and jokes, about eating well,
saving the world from our own kitchen, and making friends...)
Spoiled food... Have you ever been in this situation? πŸ‘†

You are not alone... πŸ‘‡

Do you know that πŸ‘‡
(picture from the food sharing platform -

Why? Because any food that is thrown away rots in the landfills. You think, "rotting" is good, right? Organic? 
But no.
Being covered with loads of other stuff in the landfills it decomposes in anaerobic conditions (-> in the absence of oxygen) and produces methane 🀒 - one of the most harmful greenhouse gases, which is much more harmful than carbon dioxide in terms of trapping heat in the atmosphere.

So, actually even our spoiled fruits, sandwiches, and even potato-peels are a part of the climate change.

Or... at the same time - maybe you (or your neighbour)
 can't buy your own dinner or some fresh fruits?

 πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘†Look, she can't buy her own food!
Maybe she's a talented, but struggling artist? A single parent? An unlucky-millennial?
Just a busy person, who has no time to shop/cook?
Or maybe she just can't buy it because it's all wrapped in plastic?
So many reasons, or all of these above...

Thinking of saving the world from hunger and climate change - seems too overwhelming, when we are in our kitchen, but....

  "We are balanced.  The moment you can't handle something alone - there is someone -
whose life is an answer to your question!" - That's what we say in our film Architecture Life Dialogue.

There are numerous food sharing 
platforms, apps, and FB groups!  

Let's share some of them below!

Only one rule: 
Share only good food that you could eat yourself.

But... (I heard these concerns)
What if several people contact me
to pick up my tomatoes or half pizza?
πŸ‘ That's awesome! Choose the person that you like!
Yes. It's ok to like people :-) 

What if someone only takes, without giving?
πŸ‘  Olioex website says -
It doesn’t matter if you only take, only give,
or do a little bit of both.
It takes two to tango after all!

And I agree - abundance is all about 
DANCE of lives between people!πŸ•ΊπŸ» πŸ•ΊπŸ»

By taking he/she is helping,
at least to save your tomatoes and to fight climate change... not bad for one evening.. Right? 

What is this magical platform? 
πŸ‘ There are so many of them. 
I really like:
(but when I checked it - no one was around me

Find a group in your neighbourhood:

 Or start a group in your neighbourhood:

+ Check foodsharing groups on facebook
 + Bonus!
share your foodscraps, potato-peels
with those neighbours and farmers around you -
who can compost on
browse map:

Why do I care to share? 
Because alone they were wasting - together they are smiling

🌿 Because sustainability is a joint effort!

🌸 Because alone we are leaving dangerous stinky methane, but sharing - ( we fertilize soil!

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ Because right from our own kitchen we can contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 
# 2 - zero hunger and a little bit to #13 - climate action.

πŸŽ₯ And the the last but not least, the ideas of the film  
are possible, and food sharing platforms - are some of the tools. 


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