About me

A - Progress, technology, and a luxury lifestyle 
B - nature, safe environment and healthy planet for our grandchildren?

Which option to choose?

Thinking about the world, dreams, and what do I want in life - I also faced some other dilemmas:

A - Working on serious international conferences or
B - Modeling for magazines, fashion shows,
big brands’ advertisements and acting in films?
Asia or Europe?
Economical growth and wealth or
humanity living above the concept of money?
Material or  Spiritual? Education or freedom out of school?

And I thought
If I want both at the same time
maybe two opposites can work together in harmony
if I discover - what unites these opposites for me?  

So, here’s about me:
As a teenager I was interested in human nature and chose to study two areas: linguistics (as I thought “speech” is a key that connects our inner and outer worlds). 
And photography+performing arts
(as acting is an art of creating life on stage) 

In my early 20s I became the happiest person in the world - my daughter was born. I started working - freelancing in the subjects that I studied - as an interpreter/translator and a photographer/retoucher (my first work in fashion).
These jobs didn’t require me to go to an office every day, and, together with my 11 months old we started traveling. Then I thought of living location independently and in 2008 when she was 1.5 year old we relocated to South East Asia.

I kept studying acting, started going to castings and auditions. 

That’s when I noticed - I don’t want all the roles... I don’t want to advertise “whatever”... I am responsible for the messages that I deliver. Same with the interpreting: I wanted to deliver constructive ideas

In a while I found a general theme 
that was the most meaningful for me
and after that build all my professional activities 
around these topics:
working full time as
A.- model & actress.
among my most favorite projects were: leading parts in
advertisements for the Ministries of Tourism - Thailand & Oman,
Educational TV shows for TV5, Thailand, & NHK, Japan.
International advertisements for Intercontinental, Swissotel, Eastern-Orient Express Train, and other luxury hotels all over Asia.
And numerous works for ethical enterprises, sustainable brands, local designers, and artisans.

 B. -
As a freelance simultaneous interpreter at the conferences:
Global partnership for Education, Worldbank,
- conferences on Sustainability,
Renewable Energy, and Sustainable Development Goals.

I made a decision to work like as if my work was a dance.
Dance as a flow, that requires strict discipline
and balance between soul, mind, and body.
Dance as a Joy! Dance as a beautiful action that brings people together!

What is this blog about:
A- the sharing economy, B- zero waste and Dance - of lives! 

Why do I care about these topics:
I’ve made a lot of research, I learned a lot from amazing people, and I thought a lot.
I think Humanity, Progress and Nature can exist together in harmony. I’ve made a film and wrote two books about it.
Why?  Because that’s the world I want to enter, the life I want to live.

I think, ABunDANCE is achievable, if we put together 
A, B, and Dance!
Here I’d like to share experiences, tips, thoughts and knowledge that I gathered during these years about 
Modern Technologies, Environmental movements, and Philosophy.

This blog is for those who:
Know that there are some certain environmental issues
Overwhelmed that nothing can be done / looking for something that can be done / checking what others are doing
Are on a Zero waste journey or have never heard about it.
Have fun with the Sharing economy / have never heard about it, or suspicious about it
Read my books and/or watched my film - and said that the balanced world described there is impossible
 • Wondering "what's next" after achieving sustainability
Want to hear a personal experience or read some official facts about the circular economy, sustainable development goals of the UN, the sharing economy
and see - why sustainability is a dance!

And since it’s a page about me, here’s a bit more about the opposites that I unite in my life:
Education and out of school
Even though I’m not in school anymore, recently I’ve taken a number of online courses from the leading Universities about sustainability / renewable energy /sustainable fashion / the sharing economy /sustainable cities / organic architecture.  
 I don't have all the answers. I still have a lot of questions. 
 And I keep learning more and more every year.
My daughter has been homeschooled, unschooled, worldschooled & never went to a school until 2018, when she turned 12, we moved to Greece and she smoothly continued her education in a local school.

Both in EUROPE and ASIA:
I grew up in Asia, in 2008 I started traveling again,
in 2008-2016 we were based in Bangkok,
2016-2017 we were traveling again, and lived in 5 different cities,
while I was filming & interpreting in 13 different cities.
Since 2017 we are based in Athens, Greece, where I joined my partner.
I’m still working remotely with my partners in Asia and when needed going there myself.